Mount NFS on Debian 10 Linux in 4 Steps

How to mount a NFS location in Debian 10 Linux in 4 steps

1. Install required packages sudo apt update sudo apt install nfs-common 2. Test if you can mount (optional) sudo mount -t nfs4 <nfs server's IP>:<remote path> <local path to be mounted> So in our example, we need to mount /media/nas from nfs server to local folder /mnt/nas sudo mount -t nfs4 /mnt/nas 3. Add mount entry to /etc/fstab for permenant solution Lets start editing the file /etc/fstab and add the following line [Read More]

Setup NFS Server in Debian 10 Linux in 3 Steps

How to setup an NFS server in Debian 10 Linux in 3 steps

1. Install required packages sudo apt update sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server 2. Add shared locations in /etc/exports Lets start editing the file /etc/exports and add the following line <location to share> <host which consumes>(<sharing options>) For example in my case, I want to share /media/nas to any host with read write access rw. You can find further information about options at the end of this post. ... # /srv/nfs4/homes gss/krb5i(rw,sync,no_subtree_check) # /media/nas 0. [Read More]

Angular - NaNbut they point to different modules

How to fix Angular NaNbut they point to different modules

TD;LR Navigate back one level when you LoadChildren Detail reading I had two submodules with the same path ./app/apps.module#AppsModule in two different modules. |- Storage | |- storage.module.ts | |- apps | |- apps.module.ts |- Cuckoo | |- cuckoo.module.ts | |- apps | |- apps.module.ts In cuckoo.module.ts & storage.module.ts I had the following routes const routes: Routes = [ { path: 'apps', loadChildren: "./apps/apps.module#AppsModule" }, ]; Due to a known issue in angular angular/angular-cli#10128, I couldn’t get this dynamically loaded using LoadChildren. [Read More]

Enable Deep Sleep in ESP-01

How to hack ESP-01 module to enable deep sleep

TD;LR Connect XPD_DCDC to RESET. Detail reading ESP-01 and ESP0-01s are both miniature and cheap IOT modules which has a full TCP layer powered by ESP8266 chip with inbuilt Wifi. Without a doubt this chip consumes alot of power. Unless you got plenty of spare batteries to change at least twice a day, with this chip it’s nearlly impossible to make a module which can be powered by batteries. [Read More]